Get Incorporated
Open your new company in
Our incorporation service gives you
We provide all the documents you need to start your business. Need to open a bank account? Need a Tax ID number (EIN)? We’ve got you covered.
All businesses are required by law to have a designated registered agent. We’ll give you the first year for free.
We provide you with real physical office location address for your business - not just a PO Box. You can be anywhere in the world while we scan and process mail for you.
Mailbox Now
Pricing options include an Unlimited plan for $50/month, or a Pay-As-You-Go option in which you’ll get Mailbox Now for free but pay a small fee per each piece of mail processed.
We’ll give you a real office location to use as your mailing address, giving your business a competitive edge.
We receive, sort, and process all your mail. You get email with a nice report and PDF copies of your mail.
Just tell us what you want done with your mail. We can forward it to you, send you PDFs, or both – it’s up to you.
DMCA Agent
With today’s fast-paced web and media platforms, copyright infringement has become a common practice.
If you’re a website owner and one of your users uploads copyrighted material to your platform, you can be held liable – even if you’re not located in the US.
This is why it is now a requirement by US law to have a registered DMCA Agent. As part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, every business that hosts user-generated content must have one of these agents in order to protect itself from costly lawsuits.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Let us set this up today to protect your business from extra risk.
- annual
- monthly
Already have your own copyright agent?
We can do all the important filing for a one-time fee of $50.